Fall Trends that I LURVEE!!!

Sep 1, 2010 |
OH MAN. Can you believe today is Sept 1 and it is flippin' 95 degrees. My roommate and I were sitting in the dark with the A/C on and with the TV on (used as our light as well)-- and we were STILL sweating. We figured to keep the lights off to not only keep it cooler, but if the A/C is on, something else needs to be off. lol! gotta save energy! PUAHAH So maybe I can help mother nature remember that summer should be winding down and that fall should be here!!!

Anyway.. I believe that THIS is my season right now because I am LOVING so many of this year's fall trends!

Below are some of my FAVORITES:

Neutral Colors!! :)

OHhhhohhohooooo! Although I occasionally like to wear my pop of color, I am OBSESSED with neutral colors. So when I saw that Neutral colors were in (especially camel color and olive green), I am ON IT!

PURPLE!!! --Vibrant,Plums&Berries

This is another look that I absolutely love. Not only do I love wearing these plum-y colors, but I absolutely adore wearing plum and berry make up. Purple is one of the only colors I'll venture off to wear on my eyes and I absolutely can't WAIT for fall to come around so I can dive into my berry lipsticks.

Sheer Tops

Now, this sounds kinda sexy and sultry, but there are so many ways to make this look classy. Sheer, lace, see throughish things hooray! I have a bunch of lacy overshirts that I rocked back in the day- and I'm glad it's come back... because it really is such a beautiful look!

Dark Smokey Eye Shadow Looks

Whether it be lots of black eyeliner (YES!) or lots of smokey shadow, dark heavy looks are in! The emphasis this time around is less on the eyelashes, but more on your shadow look:)

Red Lips

Now I am not good at rocking red lips, but I love love love to try! hahaha :) The best I get is rockin' a good red gloss, so its not so harsh on my lips, but at least since many more people will be rockin' the look... maybe I can venture off to getting some red lipsticks as well. So excited this is coming in!

Some other things are leather, double breasted blazers, over the knee boots, cut-out clothes, military look&vests!! FALL COME QUICKER!!!!

What are some fall trends that you are looking forward to ROCKIN'!?? :)
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