I have decided.

to embark on the project 10 pan journey. I realize (yes finally) I have too much make up and need to get through it before I buy anymore (my boyfriend will definitely be happy about this one). After counting through my concealers, I couldn't believe how many I've actually accumulated- gift or purchase or sample, it doesn't matter, it still counts!!!! 14 whopping concealers! yowzas!!!
If you don't know what project 10 pan is, a youtuber (lollipop26) thought of this concept (LOL a while ago!). To prevent people from buying more, wasting money and products.. you have to finish 10 full products before purchasing anymore. That means no more foundation, concealers, lip gloss, lipsticks, blushes, eye shadows, primers... etc. AH!
Let's see if I can do this!!!!
PS. I really kind of need some sort of loophole... so I'm gonna say gifts from other people don't count :) HAHA!