I didn't have too much of a problem privatizing most of my videos... but there are a few that are near and dear to my heart... that I really LOVED making.. and i can't bear to privatize them because I know that they are the videos that people would either really enjoy or could really learn from. I might just have to think of an uber creative way to recreate some of them. OY!
Put on some thinking caps! I've been trying out some new ideas of how to make these videos without me in them... so any new ideas welcome!!! :)))))
Enjoy your holidays everyone! Hope that it is a safe, healthy, relaxing, delicious one for all! XOXO

hey jessica one way I think you can do them is if you get a friend and use her to recreate them for you :)
yess!! I am doing tutorials and recruiting "models" aka friends. THANK YOU for that great idea love xoxo
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