Update on The Beauty Movement

Dec 2, 2010 |
I know lots of you guys have been wondering why the sites on the beauty movement do not work. I had just got word from someone that worked closely with the movement that some shady stuff has been going down in the beauty movement. I'm so sad because i LOVE the idea of the beauty movement, it's just too bad that this happened...


let's not let this stop us from continuing to do good!! :) so I will STILL be having my blog sale, but instead, I will donate it to another trustworthy cause instead. any suggestions? let me know!

take care everyone!

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Saf ♥ said...

This is really sad. I was excited to spread the word!

Jess said...

me too :( BUT there are many other amazing causes out there to find! :) we're starting our own movement! xoxo

Valentina Dang said...

omg no wonder, I am glad you clarified it! I was looking for it too to donate my beauty products, but I couldn't find the video on your youtube. Sigh* sad =[ Would you happen to know what exactly went on?

Jess said...

I'm not positive of the details... but i DO KNOW that beauty movement will be up again in the future. I know this because one of my dear friends on youtube (who was a part of the beauty movement) will be taking over! I will absolutely be keeping you all updated on this!!! :)

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