Felix: What is the Urban Decay Naked Eye Paliet?
Me: It's a brand... of an eye shadow palette.. why?
Felix: People on slickdeal are saying the Naked Paliet is incredibly rare and that it is back in stock and that people have to get it.
Me: Yeah, I already got mine back when it first came out! It's not that rare here, but it's been sold out for a while.
Felix: Yeah, I was wondering why this got so many high ratings because it is not even on sale. It is full price and I am thinking that is not a slick deal.
Then I saw him about 2-3 hours later and he was talking FOREVER about sephora.com and how if you buy the naked palette by itself -including shipping it comes out to about 53 something, but if you spend 6 extra dollars u get free shipping ... he went on and on about different coupon codes and about the 3 free samples...... as if I don't spend all my weekends looking at sephora.com and ordering stuff from their website. . . LOL. too funny.
He gave me a gift today.
Naked Palette, Sephora Lip Gloss Palette, Bare Minerals Mineral Veil (Freebie with code), and 3 awesome samps!
HAHAHAA!!! Then we had another text conversation:
Me: LOL thanks for the naked palette! HAHA!!
Felix: Lol I think you'll like it haha nad i got you a brush i think u will like and 3 samples!
Me: you sweet.. but I told you I had it already! hahah!!
Felix: Lol it's okieee u keep another one:) I actually brought it before you told me :) Because when I see that it was raree i thought you might like some rare things.
Me: AW :) Well THANK YOU! and PS. You picked REALLY good samples!
Felix: Lol, I dun even noe what they r hahaha.. i just tho those look more expensive haha
sigh. too cute. he underestimates how much make up knowledge i have... but i totally underestimate his ability to make me smile (everybody... gag right now thanks.)
THANKS fel(:

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