I went to O2b2 or Out of the Beauty Box Tour this weekend which are make up classes that were run by Koren (of Enkoremakeup on youtube) and Elessa (of Pursebuzz on youtube). That's going to be in a whole other post when I have time this weekend because that will definitely take longer!
I also had the chance and honor of meeting my very first youtube friend in real life, Erin! She is such a doll, I miss her so much already. It was such a fun experience this weekend and I'm so glad that we got to share it together.
Erin and I were lucky enough to be invited by Koren to test out the new consumer tanning kit by Temptu. While we were there we got to be all googly eyed at how beautiful the Temptu Studios were -- so clean and laboratory-like. And Koren showed us some of the products, whats cool and new for Temptu, and we got to hang out.
LoL, look how creepy I am taking pictures of Koren! :P
He asked Erin to be the model/subject for his new video - and because I don't put myself in any of my videos, he asked me to film his video! It was so amazing watching him, because he can do everything in ONE take! I was like what?! lol - ridonk.
Below is the video for your viewing pleasure....After watching the video, I realized I have TERRIBLE filming skills and have incredibly shaky hands LOL.