Joanna's Wedding Trial

Long times ago, I did my good friend Laura's hair for her wedding (remember in Tennessee??). It was one of my first brides that I've done. Man, how time flies! I remember just starting out in the beauty world - a little bit nervous to do it for real, but so excited to challenge my creativity.

One of laura's bridesmaids (first picture in old post) approached me to do her hair and for my good friend (and old roomie + childhood friend), Jenn, to do her makeup. JUST LIKE OLD TIMES!!! Jenn and I are a dynamic duo when it comes to wedding prep. She's an awesome makeup artist and hair assistant with an extensive knowledge and passion for cosmetics. We bounce a lot of ideas, opinions and positive energy around with one another, so I'm so glad to be teaming up with her again.

Anyway, she came in for her hair trial looking for a romantic side chignon that flattered her face shape. She didn't want too much volume on top, yet didn't want it too loose because she's a party animal and needs her hair to stay put. She also asked if I could put a couple of small braids just to add some extra texture to her hairstyle.

Here's what I came up with. Of course - as usual, all my hair trials don't have hairspray - especially after teasing, please pardon any frizziness :) [PS. I apologize for any photo coloring mishaps. It's my first time using an editing software on my new computer and I'm still trying to get used to it!]

side view
side view with braids
back view
For makeup, Joanna likes a bit of heavier makeup because she's bold and it's friggin' awesome! She wanted a smokey eye that would compliment her monolids and make her eyes look larger. And she played with different colors for her, but eventually she chose to go with a nude lip.

Here's what Jenn came up with. Look at my baby - so hard at work ;D

attempting bold lips with Mac's RiRi Woo
And here are just some fun shots of her final look :) I especially love the one where she's admiring herself. BAHAHA! She's gonna be such a fun bride! 

mirror mirror on the wall... ;) 

Hope you all enjoyed that! Can't wait for your big day! <3 

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