Here are my roomie & my nails of the day! :) I believe that these nail styles we did truly capture who we are- my roommate is loud, bold, daring and sexy, while i'm prim and proper with some spunk ! HAHA well, at least thats what I took out of it! LOL!
Dont mind my teeny tiny nails because i'm in the middle of midterms and i bit those suckers right off! I know, its terrible, but its an awful habit when i get nervous!!! :)
I did one coat of OPI's I Vant ti be a-lone star... This is from some Texas line!
Here are Ritz's bold and beautiful nails. The bottom color is Mac's Soiree (champale collection) and the leopard print was done with my konad stamper and Mac's Military (alice and olivia collection). So cute!!

I still need to figure out how to use my konad stamper xD eheh It's so cute how you and ur roommate procrastinated together ;) midterms is one thing i do not miss about college AT ALL *Whew*
seriously! You should've seen my nails last week! they were non existent! haha!!! Maybe I can try to do a tutorial on it! Sometimes its not you though, its the type of nail polish! xoxo
How gorgeous is that!!!!! I need to get one of those stampers!
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