So I've decided that from today forth (well actually yesterday) that I'm going to embark on a more natural, healthy ME! :) This is going to be documented (or attempted to) for the next 30 days, and we'll see how it turns out. Hopefully this will allow me to learn new habits so I can finally begin to live a healthy new life!
What does this entail??
-Healthy Eating: I will try to document all the things I will be eating. I'm going to try to make many of the foods I eat Organic and natural, but sometimes that just doesn't work... so I will do my best to make it healthy.
-Exercise: I'll at least try to walk more often & we'll see where I get with this.... LOL
-Use All Natural/Organic skincare: good thing I dont really use much skin care, so it wasn't so scary to try and find some. and thanks to hipapotheca (did you guys sign up yet?!? you get free stuff!), Michelle hooked me up with some awesome all natural and organic skin products. I'm excited to see how my face and body feels after 30 days of being all natural.
-Make Up: WELL... this is really hard because I have SO much make up and most of it.... is not natural. I am going to try and be minimalist when it comes to applying make up and am limiting myself to purchasing only $50 of NEW make up this month because I dont want to spend any extra money on harmful products for my skin! (YIKES!)
Well let's see how this rolls!!! ;)

Good luck! I look forward to seeing to succeed and take us along for the ride.
good luck jess!
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