Hey Hey!!! Back2back Glossybox posts!! wootwoot!! I wanted to quickly get this up because I am super excited about this month's glossybox! After last months box with lots of great products (but not that ones that I wish I'd gotten lol), I was scared to get more body samples that I'd have to take along with me on trips.
Not tooooo bad this month! I think they did a good job of giving a wide variety of products this month! Excuse the ripped open box.. I got a little bit too excited : )
This month's theme was "summer nights" which I thought it was cute being that last month's was "summer essentials"
Here's a list of all of the products :) |
This is the only set of products I was a bit disappointed with. The size of these samples are AMAZING but.. As much as I like getting shampoo and conditioner for travel purposes - I felt like this wasn't a product for me because I do not have color treated hair. I don't even remember if I filled out a beauty profile, but it would've been nice if I could get products that solely pertain to me :P (so selfish i know) |
This was pretty cool! This is a heel balm which is perfect because felix commented on how dry my foot was yesterday --__- this has a slight lemony - tea tree scent which I think will be REALLY nice for the heels! |
The product is nice and thick too! |
I have about 100 of these from hipapotheca.com because I love it! I have one for my lips, and i use the rest for all around - on my elbows knees, cuts, cuticles, dry spots, etc. This is a great all purpose and all natural product! |
This was by far my FAVORITE part! a completely FULL SIZE eye shadow trio! I know this is a great brand because my friend bentleyblonde or wendy has reviewed their stuff and she raved about their quality. |
I love the three colors it comes with - especially the golden yellow color and the brown. The dusty green grey color could at times look muddy on my eyes, but blended with the right colors would look sultry and gorgeous! |
What did you guys get in your box? Did you love your box?
*sent by pr
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