After going to visit the amazing offices at Alison Brod Marketing and Communication, they sent me home with a couple of M-61 products. I personally have never heard of this brand - so I was interested in trying it. This brand was created by Bluemercury Co-Founder and CEO Marla Malcolm Beck. If you don't know Bluemercury, it's an awesome beauty store and spa with great highend brands.
Here's what the website says about M-61
M-61 Powerful Skincare combines dermatologist-loved ingredients with power-packed naturals and is 100% free from harmful parabens, sulfates, and phthalates. Marla took Bluemercury’s 13 years of experience performing over one million treatments and blended it with input from more than 300 Bluemercury makeup artists and estheticians. The result is a technical skincare line that provides maximum results with minimal time.
So this product is a 1-minute face exfoliant mask. It has vitamin C, papaya, gallic acid and natural amber powder to soften the skin, clear off dead skin and promote a bright complexion. It also has add products like natural passionflower to add some soothing and calming benefits!
When I first tried this product, I was thinking "eh, it'll be like any other scrub" --however I was so incredibly impressed, I've never felt a product like this before!
During the process: It was definitely a scrub, however the scrubbies were so incredibly fine that it felt as if it was really cleaning off my skin. It gave a slight tingle, which made my skin feel really refreshed. I tried my best to get you a very close up photo of how tiny the scrubbulars are - so hopefully you can see just how fine the scrubs are!
After the process: After I washed it, it felt amazingly smooth and soft. My skin definitely looked more radiant and bright. Usually more abrasive scrubs cause my skin to redden with blochiness, but my skin was not blochy at all. I was able to then use my regular skincare regimen and it definitely felt like the products were going deep in my skin since it did end up looking more plump than usual!
I would definitely recommend using this 1-2x a week as it is quite a strong product. I definitely did feel my skin feeling renewed.. however I think once tolerance is built, you can definitely use it daily! .
Super excited to have this product for a longer period of time to see the benefits on my skin especially since I see a difference already in a week!

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