So my roommate and I are both students living in an extremellyyyy expensive city. Our apartment is itty bitty, so we definitely didn't have room for a big ol' monster, so we opted to get a baby tree.
We also didn't have the money to spend on ornaments (only 3 dollar pack of bells LOL), so we decided, if we deck ourselves out in jewelry and hair accessories... why not do the same to the tree???
So here is our fabulous, cost efficient, blang-ed out tree!!!

some of our jewelry :)

And of course, we had to top it with the most fabulous of all....
Happy Holidays loves :)

omg..this is adorable as heck.....
lolz thanks boo!!! the video will be up for this probably friday or saturday... it's hi- larious!
omg, only you two. hahahaha. love that it's very you guys - the earrings as ornaments, love it!
hahhaha it is SO us, you are right :)
yo ish bling bling.. OUR ISH BLING BLAOOOOW!!! kakakakakakaka we so great!
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