The three most important ingredients are as follows:
Guinness, whiskey and baileys.
There were three main components to this cake:
1) The Cupcake: here they areee so cute - made with chocolate and guinness. My brother-in-law would be so proud ;) They puffed up perfectly, gave a nice crisp to the top and was so extremely delicious and moist in the center.
2) The ganache filling: First we used cream, butter and bittersweet chocolate.. then of course we added a little bit of black label to add to the fun!!! (again dave, so proud)
3) The frosting & sprinkles: Yum! Lots of sugar, butter and who knows what else that's bad... but then we added some Baileys (YUM!).. and since they didn't have green sprinkles at the supermarket, we took regular sugar and put some green food coloring in!
Here was our final product:
Needless to say, Fel and I pregamed for this wedding even without wanting to do so ;D

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