I am LOVING these toofaced melted latex lipsticks! My bestie.. she didn't like them one bit... so this is a product... where you will either LOVE IT. or HATE IT. so I'm gonna give you my thoughts and swatches below! :) :)
Safe Word
Packaging: It's the same luxe package as the Too Faced Melted Matte line, and I'm LOVING it. It's fancy, chic and has a curved doefoot which allows just enough product to be dispensed.
Moisture: I think these are INCREDIBLY moisturizing. It's like putting a thick arse layer of something to really protect your lips.
Formula: The formula is definitely way thick. If you do not like the thick, near tacky feeling, you will NOT like this. However, I enjoy it and it isn't quite as sticky as other thick lippies, but you can definitely feel it! It also lasts very long - because of this heavy formula, it lasts a good 3-4 hours before it starts to wear. This does also transfer easily like a gloss. Yes - if you get hair near ur mouth or dust (like from a shirt or something) it WILL cling well to your lips, so be warned! LOL
Streakiness: I had to add in a category - lol to note that although most are really beautiful, two in particular - Can't Touch This and Bye Felicia were particularly difficult to apply. They tend to have splotchiness and patches that I couldn't get rid of. The only way to do so was to goop more on. Not sure if it was just me or not though!
Pigmentation: IS AMAZING.
Overall I REALLY love these. I think I will particularly love these in the wintertime when I'm cold and chapped. It does take a certain person to love this - so if you don't love thick, glossy lips - this may not be for you... however if you are.. EMBRACE! this is amazing!

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