OK DRUNK ELEPHANT! I SEE YOU!! ;) They've recently (well not that recently) come out with a brand new littles set and I'm loving it! If you've never tried Drunk Elephant these are the best little sets for you to test out their products. Although the products are small, they've lasted me 2-3 months to finish all the products. You are able to truly test them out to see which products are right for you.
Their cute sets are always a great value and deal, but the problem is, many times they don't stick around, so snag them up when you still have the opportunity!
Below are the products it has:
-30ml Beste™ No. 9 Jelly Cleanser
-8ml C-Firma™ Day Serum
-8ml B-Hydra™ Intensive Hydration Serum
-8ml T.L.C. Framboos™ Glycolic Night Serum
-8ml Virgin Marula Luxury Facial Oil
-NEW! 15ml Protini™ Polypeptide Cream
-NEW! 15ml Umbra Tinte™ Physical Daily Defense SPF 30
-NEW! 5ml C-Tango™ Multivitamin Eye Cream
-NEW! Bright Aqua Waterproof Travel Bag
The major differences with this and the last Littles set was that this one has Protini Polypeptide Cream instead of Lala Retro, C-Tango Eye Cream rather than Shabu Complex Eye Serum, Umbra Tinte Sunscreen rather than the regular sunscreen, and a blue bag instead of pink.
OK. So PERSONALLY --- I picked this one up because it has SO many of my favorite products. I personally (because of my oily combo skin) like the Protini better than Lala. I'm also a huge fan of the C-Tango Eye Cream. And I've never tried the tinted Daily Defense, so I was interested in trying it.
It comes at a hefty seeming $90, but honestly, each product packs SO much product, it's well worth it. Let me break the prices down for you from full size to these travel sizes:
Jelly Cleanser $32 150mL // $6.40 30mL
Jelly Cleanser $32 150mL // $6.40 30mL
C-Firma Day Serum $80 30mL // $21.33 8mL
B-Hydra Serum $52 50mL // $8.32 8mL
Framboos Glycolic Serum $90 30mL // $24 8mL
Marula Oil $40 15mL // $21.33 8mL
Protini Cream $68 50mL // $20.40 15mL
Umbra Tinte $36 60mL // $9 15mL
C-Tango Eye Cream $64 15mL // $21.33 5mL
SO -- with the cost of all of these products broken down, it should be $132.11, saving you over $42 worth of product. (!!) So although the cost seems expensive, it's actually saving you so much money to test and try the products to see if they are worth it for your skin!
Highly, HIGHLY recommend picking up Drunk Elephant sets when they come out!!!!
You can purchase these at drunkelephant.com or sephora.com

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