Here are the prizes:
Dream Cream Hand and Body Lotion (3.5oz)
Therapy Massage Bar ($8.75)
Honey I washed the Kids Soap ($7.95)
Supernova Bath Bomb ($6.15)
Go Green! Solid Perfume ($7.95)
To Enter:
Leave a comment (or private message/email) telling me the best celebration you've ever had! How did you celebrate it and What were you celebrating!?
For me is it surely celebrating my birthday... at LUSH. it was the best birthday celebration ever... with lots of shopping, fun, pampering and goodies!
-I will pick a comment at random (through :) -comment as many times as u'd like aka the more comments, the more chance u have to win. BUT each one must answer the question!
-I will choose a winner at the START of my birthday, @ 12midnight on April 22, 2010!!!
Good luck! -J

you're so silly jessy, I love you! :)
best birthday celebration? I don't know, every one that's been at my house for a traditional wong-family BBQ has been pretty great!
definitely the year you and steph just came to hang with my family and made cake was memorable too! :) i have some great friends.
Lush + Birthday sounds amazing! Wish I could have been there. :)
I really liked my last birthday! Now that we're real adults, it's hard to get all of your friends from home + school + everywhere else in one place. But a bunch of my old friends from home traveled up to Boston for the weekend and it was just like the good ol' days.
I'm not really sure what mine would be. Celebrating my birthday just isn't the same without all my friends around and usually work or money gets in the way of making the celebration more enjoyable. Most recently, I think the best celebration I had might have been last September when I was in San Jose for 10 days and sick with a cold for about 7 of those 10 days; maybe it wasn't THE best celebration. I had just gotten back from spending the day - and night for that matter - all around northern California. My sister and I got back from spending time with friends at Santana Row and I found an email saying that I had gotten the coaching job at Columbia. I finally felt like someone had given me my first real break. I was so happy, but there wasn't much I could do to celebrate. I had already spent the entire day out, I didn't have any close friends in San Jose to celebrate with, and I was sneezing up a storm. My sister and I decided to just stay in, watch a movie, and drink glass after glass of wine. It was probably the most mellow celebration I've had, but inside I was like a 6 year old opening up presents on Christmas Day.
the best celebration i had was when me and Jessica Lee went to eat Sel de la terre and ate a lot of food
also when i ate sushi for 3 nights in a row
also when we go to Mcdonald for drive-thru food in the middle of the night
This year's birthday was really chill but great for me. I already told you this but my bff co-worker bought me a HUGE miley cyrus balloon, coffee cake, a card with an old naked man on it, and a $25 Amex gift card. What touched me was that even though we had only known each other for 2 1/2 months, we developed a really strong bond and became super close. It was nice to realize that new best friends can be right around the corner! :)
i better win cuz if i don't win, i might not massage SOMEBODY i know... (wink wink)
hmm, there have been so many good celebrations, especially as of late! of COURSE, #1 will be celebrating my marriage to my wonderful hubby at our wedding celebration that was FULL of family and friends! :)
buttttt, a close second-best-celebration would be when the most awesome girlfriends in the world came together to throw me a bridal shower. yellow gerber daisies, sushi, french fries, pad thai, raspberry ginger ale, indoor basketball, cupcakes, powdered donuts -- all my favorite things, in the same room, as all my favorite people! it was the best day ever! i felt so loved, so special, and so overwhelmed that i was in tears. aw, and now im tearing again just thinking about it. SEE WHAT A SPECIAL CELEBRATION IT WAS??? :) :) :) :)
felix, you cheater! two can play this game!!
one of my fave bdays was when i was in the DR for missions. everyone was whispering to each other in spanish all dayyy long and i felt so left out! i thought my being the only one who couldnt speak fluent spanish finally caught up to me and people started to not care if i didnt understand...
then SURPRISE! a girl honks her motorbike and comes into my site with a cake! and i got to share my bday with all the kiddos from the community. :D
I also loved when you and laura tricked me and i ended up with a beethoven wig backwards on my head.
I also loved christmas get together at your place this year =D
it was also crazy fun when felix planned this huge surprise for your bday senior year.
remember the bee pinata that you had to hit with a flashlight?? good timesss
ooooh and we cant forget CINCO DE MAYO!!!
enter me again!
how many times can I do this before i'm disqualified?
well another memorable bday was... up at school when my friends surprised me and decorated my room and made me lasagna :o)
felix is such a cheater!
i'm going to focus my celebration on things i celebrated with you so that i have a better chance at winning!
1) my 18th bday (aka our freshmen yr at college) when you didn't go to utopia boat cruise and instead decorated our room with tons of decorations that we would leave up from october until june... plus you even cleaned the room!!
2) your 22nd birthday where we discovered the DONUT MUFFIN at sel de terre. ALSO i was the master sous chef and i dipped about 100 strawberries into chocolate thanks to felix.
3) the upcoming celebration of your 24th birthday! :D DIY spa day with my fav girls is always a good time!
i loved your bday celebration yesterday! noteable moments:
a) making youtube vids of my foot--i mean, lush
b) watching SATC
c) boiling our toes into sausages
d) getting irresponsible (oh wait, that might have just been me)
e) harvesting truffles on phil's hands
f) halal!
iv had tons of celebrations and they were all so much fun in their own different ways first one: my 15th birthday, instead of having the tradional quincenera I went on a week long vacation to florida
my second best was when I 16years old my parents got me a DJ and I had a party whith all my friends from HIGH SCHOOL.. it was amazing.. Knowing that everyones was there to celebrate ME
third would be my high school graduation.. went out to dinner and the best part was a week later when my family took me and my brother(grad the same year) to Jamaica.. it was awsome
another best celebration would be when I graduated college with my associates... my parents combined my grad with my smaller brothers grad(he graduated from 8th grade) we had a taco man, DJ, mmm cake my fav... lol.. it was soo much fun
last celebration I could think of is when I turned 22.. Usually people have a major party for their 21st but me not really.. I guess I made up for it when I turned 22 cuz vegas with 3 other friends was amazing... Spend 3 days and 2 nights and it was one of the top best things I did and had fun with
Hi! The best celebration in my life that I remember was not mine, but my sister's Sweet 16. It was the last and hugest party my family all got to share together before our grandfather passed away. There was good food, good dancing and good drinks! And good memories on tape that we could keep forever. :)
The best celebration for me was my Sweet 15! It was amazing I had a huge party and all my family from my moms side and dads side came. It was right before my dad,grandma, and god father passed away. I was glad that i had a chance to be with them and celebrate such a special day with all of them before they passed.
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