Anyway... I was blessed enough to have Urban Decay send me a bunch more! They sent me Wende's (founder) top 10 picks! It's kinda cool and fun to see the different lipsticks that different people like. It's pretty cool because you can tell she's a very versatile woman! lol - she chooses browns to hot pinks to reds to purples to nudes... she's got them all! :)
Here are the lipsticks from L-R: Disturbed (CM), Conspiracy (M), Menace (CM), 714 (MM), Big Bang (M), Pandemonium (MM), Rocksteady (C), Naked (C), Firebird (C) and Backtalk (CM).
Because you guys know how I already feel about these formulas, I decided to show you my top three of these lipsticks! (Although that was hard because they are all so gorgeous!)
Naked (Cream Finish): Nude Pink
When I first saw the lipstick, I was like aww no... it looks too light! (Kinda the way I feel when I see velvet teddy from mac lol) but it's not! The color on the bottom of the lipstick (which almost looks like yellow-peach) does not match the actual color of the lipstick! It's perfection in a tube and I think can be everyone's MLBB color! It does lean warmer, but I think this could still be a great fit for those who have cooler skin as well. I tend to stick to cooler shades, but this color truly brightens up my face!
Backtalk (Comfort Matte): Mauve Nude Pink
This is similar to the Naked except it leans a bit more cool (mauve) and has a matte finish (lol okay so they really aren't that alike...LOL) Since cool tones look better on me, this is my perfect lip color (similar to my favorite Rush, but that has a different finish). I love that it has this matte finish, it looks polished but effortless!
Conspiracy (Metallized): Plum Bronzed Shimmer
At first glance, this just looks like a brown shimmer lipstick... but its SO much better than that! lol! I'm not one to really love shimmer lippies, but this one surprised me. It didn't irritate my lips and had a formulation just like the creams. The color from some angles look brown and some look plum and it is so cool! This is one of those lipsticks that make you feel badass and cool - maybe because my fifth grade teacher ALWAYS wore a shimmery bronzed lipstick and I thought she was the coolest person ever. This lipstick.. definitely makes you feel that way!I'm so grateful for the opportunity to try more lipsticks. Thank you SO much Urban Decay (and Monika!) again for sending these over!
Now they also sent over 10 lip pencils.... raise your hand if you want swatches!!!
(PS I've never tried these before so I have to give them a whirl first!)
OH. btw. if you want to see Firebird, Rocksteady and 714 in live swatches. Here was an old video of my swatches from the Gwen Stefani collection!!! I love those three hippies as well ;D (Starts at 5:11)
ftc. as stated above, UD sent me these products for review purposes. All thoughts and opinions are my own! :)

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